DRBF Services
The DRBF offers a wide range of services for Dispute Board users worldwide.
Advisory Services
The DRBF can provide an evaluation of your Dispute Board program, including review of bespoke documents such as Dispute Board Agreements, Specifications, Operating Procedures and other materials. The documents are evaluated for effective implementation of a DB program, for consistency across contract documents, and suggestions for improvement based on DRBF best practices. The first five hours of evaluation are free, and services beyond five hours can be provided at reasonable rates.
Requests for Qualifications
The DRBF can send out a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for DB Members to our members. The request can include any information the user would like to provide, such as general description of the project, specific DB member criteria, how to submit qualifications, and contact information for application. The user can decide who should receive the notice, based on geographic location (state, country, etc) or other criteria.
The DRBF is committed to connecting our extensive pool of qualified Dispute Board practitioners with users looking for candidates to serve on their DBs. This service is provided for free. Please contact us for further details.
Customized Training for Project Teams
The DRBF has a robust training program for Dispute Board users and practitioners. Some projects prefer to host a customized training workshop at the start of a project to ensure that all party representatives and DB members are familiar with best practices as well as the contract documents and procedures of the specific project. The DRBF can prepare a training workshop customized to the project documents and team. Please contact us for further details.
Model Documents
The DRBF has put together a set of documents for Dispute Boards that follow industry best practices. More information can be found on the Model Documents page.