Workshop Friday, 2 July 2021


Conference Day 1
Wednesday, 30 June
Conference  Day 2
Thursday, 1 July
Conference Day 3
Friday, 2 July


Advanced Workshop
Friday, 2 July 2021
8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Myriad by Sana Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal (in person only)

Learn from experienced tutors and Dispute Board practitioners in this half-day workshop offered in-person only, Lisbon. 

Pre-requisite: Attend one of the DRBF's Administration and Practice Workshops.*

The DRBF Advanced Practitioner Workshop offers an interactive and lively session covering the practical issues that often arise in the DB process; from appointment through to giving a decision. This workshop is recommended for those who have already taken a DRBF workshop. Also, due to the interactive nature of the discussion, participants should already be serving on a Dispute Board, either as a member, Chair or participating as a party member on a project with a standing DB. This workshop is an optional add-on to the conference registration. 

Topics include:

  • The unique dispute avoidance philosophy of DBs contrasting FIDIC’s 1999 DABs with the 2017 DAABs
  • Selecting the right DB Members and Chair
  • Fee levels and structure
  • The DB Chair's role
  • Maintaining contact with the parties and the Engineer
  • Site visits
  • Common causes of disputes
  • Referrals, hearings, and making and giving a decision and procedural difficulties

Half-day Advanced Workshop Fee: $175 USD. 

Minimum registration: 11 people. Delegates will receive a full refund if the minimum class size is not reached.

*Delegates for this Advanced Workshop should attend a session of the DRBF's A&P Workshop before attending this one. The next session of the A&P Workshop will be Thursday, 27 May, in-person in Lisbon, in Portuguese. Delegates for this full-day May workshop receive a $100 discount to the June conference. Learn more and register for the May Workshop.